Archive | July, 2015

bacara resort.

22 Jul

the bacara resort and spa in goleta.

it’s been a while since we went anywhere on our own, so we took a mini trip to santa barbara during b’s break. we opted to stay at the bacara bc it’s oceanfront, and we pretty much didn’t need to leave the resort grounds. at all. also, their pool is my fave. well… was. i must say, that this visit was not as quiet as i had hoped it to be. since it’s summer, there were more families, with multiple children. yes, i could have gone to the adults only pool… but it’s not as nice. so, amidst some splashing and crying, we got in some sunbathing r&r.

below, around the resort. (on golf carts! don’t know why i love golf carts so.) their lawns are still green.. this drought has everything yellow at home, so i admit its a nice/guilty departure for the eyes..


the pool from above.


beach vibes.


sunset alfresco dining at the resort bistro. waitstaff + overall guest service is impeccable at the bacara.


wandering the resort grounds. a view of the beachfront to ocean house from atop the hill.


night swim.


i didn’t take many food pics bc i was trying to be good “on vacay.” heres a snap of lunch at the bistro. sausage, artichoke + leek pizza.



salt & straw

22 Jul


i’ve been going to the salt & straw location in larchmont (yes standing in line) obsessively, since i found out that their july/summer flavors are exactly. what. i like.

my top two flavors:

birthday cake + blackberries

meyer lemon custard + blueberries

all my FAVE things rolled into custardy/creamy balls of ice cream. i’ve already purchased 4 scoops, and then 2 pints. i wish they’d put these on their permanent menu!


this pic above is THE cake+blackberries, and roasted strawberry+white choc custard. (jgood, but not a fave.)
