18 Sep

i am a carnivore.

lately, salads disgust me. all i want is red meat, served rare.. but executed with a bit of delicacy. after dining at a number of renowned steakhouses lately, this is what i’ve been searching for. chi SPACCA is probably the best dining experience i’ve had all summer. a part of the mozza empire on melrose and highland, this meat heavy little restaurant serves up a mean steak.


dining with 2 fellow carnivores was a delight- sO easy to order. we started with affettati misti for 2-4. yes, that is a breadstick wrapped in “white proscuitto”.. akd lard, and it was de-li-cious.


we also had a half order of the culatello, which is a cut of lambrusco proscuitto, aged 15 months. our waiter highly recommended, and we were curious to try. beautiful cut, great texture and light salted flavor.


for our main, we ordered the 42oz costata alla fiorentina, a prime dry-aged bone-in new york. at $175 I felt it was a bit on the pricey side, but that was all forgotten once i took my first bite. prepared very well, a tender rare to medium rare, with a great sear, cut up and trimmed. i was impressed. after giving up on finding a more fine tuned steak preparation in socal, i am happy to say that chi spacca can represent. they don’t just sear a steak and put it on a plate.. this is prepared very carefully and lovingly- as you can taste.



ok, so we ordered ONE vegetable. their “creamed corn” which is actually made without cream. lots of butter. love it.


we also ordered a milk roasted pork loin, which was covered in deep fried sage… it was juicy and quite delicious.. and i forgot to snap a photo before we devoured it. next time!

dessert. a panna cotta with bluberry compote. light, easy way to finish off a great meal.


carnivores, rejoice.

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