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the hart & the hunter.

29 Jul

this casual little bistro style restaurant, is inside the pali hotel on melrose.

we like to come for lunch, as its close by and usually easy to grab a table. the menu is small, but all the choices are well executed.

smoked trout toast. with pickled onions and avocado.


biscuits. i love biscuits. these need some work, but i still order them every visit, and they have gotten better. great flavor, but still a bit too soft in texture and fall apart easily, so its a bit hard to spread the condiments that come with. our first order looked like the biscuits had melted, and were flat/fallen. lately they have “risen” a bit and are a bit flakier.  the condiments- i lOve the sweet butter and the blackberry compote. the spicy cheese i usually pass on as i don’t like to mix the salty and the sweet, but b likes it.


the below sandwiches were ordered on separate visits, i don’t think they appeared on the menu together.

so far, the chicken crackling sandwich is my favorite item. sO good. crispy chicken skin, a sort of BLT.


below is their bacon sandwich. another version of the classic BLT, their thick cut smoked bacon is sO good.





Morimoto, napa.

29 Jul

lunch at morimoto, on a recent visit to napa.

it was hot out, so i ate light, ordering only sushi. the signature toro tatare was amazing. beautifully presented, and taken in little bites of so many flavor combos.


the condiments are, nori paste, avocado, sour cream, chives, wasabi and puffed crunchy rice cracker. served with dashi soy and a little dallop of caviat atop the tartare.

below are the nigiri i ordered a la carte. ( yes they come in 1pc per order) the sushi was just.. good, a bit underwhelming. the ikura and tuna were the freshest that day. next time, i think i’d order his specialty and cooked dishes and skip the sushi



will be back to try a lunch set. the sea urchin carbonara pasta looked good..
