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muracci’s japanese curry.

19 Sep

muracci’s in los altos.

best hamburger steak curry ever. you need to call in and order it ahead, as it takes about half an hour to prepare. muracci’s is usually packed, with a waiting line.. so either come earlier or later than the lunch/dinner rushes, or call in with a reservation.

that said.. here it is.

hamburger curry. the meal is served with a small salad, and comes with either white or brown rice.


the pickled veggies. i LOVE the red radish.. so i order and pay for an extra large side portion of it, as its an integral part of my meal.


closer shot of the hamburger steak.. perfection.



be warned that their curry is on the spicier side.. so their mild, for me, is already hot enough.



superba snack bar.

19 Sep

brunch at superba snack bar in venice beach.  cute open space near the beach, with great small plates and fresh cuisine. the menu changes slightly from time to time, so you can try whats new and fresh on different visits.

starter of  grilled watermelon, burrata and a bread crouton salad.


braised lamb meatballs with harissa. with fingerling potatoes + topped with a sunny side up.


heirloom tomato, croutons, sunny side up, pesto. like a deconstructed breakfast bruschetta.


this is a “side order of bacon”. impressive. braised pork belly.. sO good.


this is the sea urchin pasta. creamy and fragrant, not too heavy on the cream.


will def visit again when i’m in the neighborhood.
