rooftop cat’s private kitchen: roy and pp’s

7 Mar

i recently had the pleasure of dining at roy and pon pon’s. the concept is simple. they serve a meal of 6-8 courses out of their home, and only take one party per meal. as you are guests in their wonderfully kitschy apartment, and sit among their 4 cats, the ambiance is quite warm and inviting. my friend made this booking 8 months ago, showing us that they are doing quite well.

the cuisine is a mix of eastern and western, and everything is well plated and thought out. you can tell them beforehand if there is anything you don’t eat.. otherwise they prepare the private dining menu, which can change seasonally or daily, depending on the availability of traditional market ingredients.

the warm table decor.


amuse bouche


amuse bouche with shrimp, cucumber salad and dried fish caviar.


salad with marinated pork and guava slices.


grilled salted pork with creamed red cabbage atop.


fresh iced juice blend, osthmanthus, pineapple, apple, honeydew, lemon, honey.


sesame oil chicken noodle. a gourmand’s take on a chinese classic comfort dish. i really enjoyed this.


prime beef rib


dried mushroom soup, served with a  scoop of chive egg custard. such an original dish- lOve!


poached pear with caramelized melon sugar. a great finish to the meal.


great experience, for the ambiance, company and food.



One Response to “rooftop cat’s private kitchen: roy and pp’s”

  1. Cin Cin Let's Eat! 03/08/2013 at 5:33 am #

    looks so delicious! Especially that chive egg custard. Mmmmm

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