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sakura flower healthy pot @ hualien.

25 Oct

lunch in Hualien. we ordered a lunch set, consisting of a healthy pot and  a few dishes. theres a self serve area, full of greens: they specialize in local organic veggies that you can refill and keep adding to your pot.(not pictured.)

above: some of the ingredients for the pot.

below, the manger came to our table, to do the presentation of a single lotus flower, which opens as it is immersed into the steaming hotpot. this variety of lotus flower is edible, and supposedly good for women’s health.

the process is quite pretty.. a bit gimmicky, but nonetheless still nice. the hotpot was my favorite part of the meal.

hotpot with all veggies and open lotus flower. almost ready to eat.

for meat, we chose to have their recommended hualien pork. the pork was local- and was probably the juiciest pork i’ve had in a hotpot. usually, when sliced pork is boiled, it takes on a chewy consistency. this stayed soft, and was delicious!

great presentation.

some of the cooked dishes that were served with our meal set: a vegetable tofu/egg of sorts.

a stir fry of pineapple, gelatin and tree mushrooms.

braised pork knuckle. (my favorite from their dishes)

healthy and light!
