crisostomo, manila.

1 Mar

visited manila for the first time last weekend, and enjoyed “turn of the century filipino dining” at Crisostomo.

fish filets, with young mango and crispy spiced bits of.. im not sure what, but it was delicious!

slightly spicy taro leaf puree with a coconut curry sauce atop. it doesn’t look that appetizing.. but it was my favorite dish of the meal. tons of flavor.

filipino style crispy fried pork knuckle. hUge dish.

dessert, chiffon cake with a kind of custard with crusted sugar… the yellow custard with a layer of hardened sugar was a bit sweet, so i ended up scraping off the “frosting”… but the chiffon cake was ok. will try something else for dessert next time. i hear there’s a popular cake that i can’t remember the name of…

different from anything filipino i’ve ever tried.. and as we were taken by locals in manila, im pretty sure it was authentic cusisine.

love new food experiences.



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