zur letzten instanz, berlin.

15 Aug

“the last instance.” the oldest restaurant in berlin, dating from 1525.

napolean and beethoven have both dined here before, on the hearty, traditional german fare and beers.

goulash stew/soup. salty, heavy, very meaty.

blood sausage entree. this was good, but the flavor was a bit strong for me, so i was only able to eat one of the sausages. the potatoes and fried chips were a good accompaniment. flash fried herbs also added more flavors to the rich dish.

pork belly entree. crispy, rich, fatty and delicious.

pork leg. it was as big as my head. ginormous. every dish we ordered was hearty and definitely for the meat lover.

poppyseed cake. unique, different from anything i’ve ever tried before. it was a sort of baked poppyseed custard on top of a round of biscuit/cake.

apple tart with ice cream.

germany has so much history, and sO much food!


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