Burgermeister, Berlin.

3 Aug

streetside burgers in berlin.

sO, this burger joint stands in what used to be a public restroom, under the train tracks! NOT a pretty thought.

there are 3 high tables with bars that you can balance on to eat your meal when your number is called.. otherwise the sidewalk it is.

the hamburger. not bad at all. i don’t think i even put it down before i finished it. its got the works: onion, lettuce, tomato, juicy beef patty. no cheese for me.

heres a shot of our “table,” or corner of a table.. theres a guy sitting in front of me quietly eating his chili burger.

b n his jalapeno + cheesy fries.. i had the wedge cut fries with curry and ranch dipping sauces (but you order sauces separate!)

YUM, but it was pretty greasy. we walked it off the next day.

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