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nanshan shabu shabu.

2 Jan

nanshan shabu shabu and yakitori.

i love their shabu, because their ponzu sauce is the best. lots of green onion, sweet, sour, tart, with kumquats. it makes all the differance.

beef, plenty of veggies, choice of noodles.

noodles standing in the glass vases below. chewy, and really good cooked at the end the meal, when the broth has all the flavors of the cooked meat + veggies. after boiling, i take the noodles out and add a bit of ponzu and few ladles of soup broth in a small bowl. YUM.

this place is healthy and so good.. i could eat here a couple times a week.

for dessert they usually have 2 different types of puddings. their earl grey flan is my favorite! it’s soft and very fine, melts in your mouth. plus, i lOve bergamot.


addy: 台北市大安區安和路2段167號1F   No.16, Sec 2, AnHe St. Da-An District.

