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18 Oct

Pur’ at the Park Hyatt Vendome, Paris.

Michelin star Chef Jean Francois Rouquette’s set course of the day.

i cant remember all the courses and their descriptions, so the pictures will have to suffice.. yes, it was pretty good.

starter mini brioche.

spiny lobster slice with lemon and fennel jelly

ostera caviar.


b’s steak.

sea bass.

cheese course. with honey, salted caramel and pie crust- like crumbles.

strawberry confit in the tube! vanilla gelato, strawberry cake.

poached fig, fig tartin, pecan caramel ice cream.



Laduree, Paris.

18 Oct

my ongoing macaron endeavors.

i feel guilty to foodies + critics alike for saying this, but i must. after so many years of lusting over laduree’s macarons, i realized that it was the unattainability that made them so desirable for me. now that i’ve been there a few times… i can safely say that i prefer jean paul hevin, pierre herme, or even a few of robuchon’s flavors (chocolate) over laduree. is something wrong with me? maybe its because their signature flavors are ones that i don’t enjoy.. licorice.. violet..  ick.

that said. i still love macarons, and laduree is always so beautiful, their salon’s decor alone compels me to sit down for tea. so i do. and i end up there again.

this time, we changed it up, and tried the macaron glace, with apricot sherbert. it was quite good. frozen macarons from laduree! something i can enjoy exclusively there.

pistachio, coffee, chocolate, orange?

creamy + light montblanc that my friend ordered.

i may give it another try in tokyo this weekend…  but pierre herme awaits. ;)