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packing pains.

23 Sep

i’m packing. and its awful.

i used to be good at packing light + still having everything i needed. now it seems my suitcases are crammed and not big enough.. i can’t bear to think my clothes are crammed in there so close to everything else.. numerous lotions that may explode and leak out of the plastic bags they’re sealed in.. slightly dirty worn shoes… sigh.

and HATBOXES. i never understood them, but now, i seem to need one. crushed fedoras are not pretty.

i’m surfing the web looking for what type of luggage is suitable for long cruises (not alot of closet space), while i have very little time left to pack for a 18 day trip.. and i came across these. wardrobe chests. sometimes referred to as steamer trunks. i have a small set, but they are nowhere as big as these babies! these are HUGE… i wish i had one for tomorrow!!

and this! what IS this?! a portable packable office!  not like i’d want to take that much work with me… but its a cool piece.

so, we are off to europe tomorrow, for a mediterranean cruise, and a few days in paris.
