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lunch @ dazzling cafe.

8 Sep

lunch at dazzling cafe pink.

when we have friends visiting from the states, one place they all want to check out is dazzling. so.. here we are again!

this was the first time i ordered something other than honey toast.   i’m happy to find that the food tastes good and is well plated. but don’t be mistaken. i’m not saying that we didn’t have toast..

truffle fries.  delicious + crisp. no ketchup needed.

egg and tuna salad panini.  it was actually tuna salad + a fried egg in the sandwich, and a scoop of egg salad on the plate.

spaghetti with meat sauce. good consistency, not watery. the meat sauce taste slightly reminds me of chili..

nOw. on to dessert.

this pretty concoction was aptly named ” party in your mouth” honey toast. LOL.

tropical fruit honey toast.

my new favorite, blueberry honey toast.

wow. sO much carbs for one meal. X)
