Archive | September, 2010

packing pains.

23 Sep

i’m packing. and its awful.

i used to be good at packing light + still having everything i needed. now it seems my suitcases are crammed and not big enough.. i can’t bear to think my clothes are crammed in there so close to everything else.. numerous lotions that may explode and leak out of the plastic bags they’re sealed in.. slightly dirty worn shoes… sigh.

and HATBOXES. i never understood them, but now, i seem to need one. crushed fedoras are not pretty.

i’m surfing the web looking for what type of luggage is suitable for long cruises (not alot of closet space), while i have very little time left to pack for a 18 day trip.. and i came across these. wardrobe chests. sometimes referred to as steamer trunks. i have a small set, but they are nowhere as big as these babies! these are HUGE… i wish i had one for tomorrow!!

and this! what IS this?! a portable packable office!  not like i’d want to take that much work with me… but its a cool piece.

so, we are off to europe tomorrow, for a mediterranean cruise, and a few days in paris.


hotel: Le Sun Chine

21 Sep

Le Sun Chine, near the french concession, Shanghai.

really cute.. a vintage mansion renovated into a 20 suite boutique hotel.

vintage inspired decor, every room is a little different.. there are color schemes + special details in the suites.

we stayed in the “Blue” suite. it photographed really well. i have so many pictures to choose from… i’ll just post the ones that actually show the room layout more.. and not as much the artsy decor detail shots.

hotel sitting room/lobby floor.

Blue suite living room.

breakfast table by the entry. fresh fruits + flowers upon arrival.

nice modern vintage detail.. radio/cd/phonograph! but it played only ONE old school chinese song.. it would have been nice to have a few options..


view of living room from bedroom.. it was a little far, but i watched tv in bed.

writing desk in bedroom, with internet hookup. too bad i didn’t bring my laptop with me..

hipstamatic shot of the writing desk. this place seriously photographs well.

entry to washroom from the bedroom.. love the wallpaper + all the white molding details

sink, porcelain china bowl details..

tile shower w/ marble doorway + seperate soaking tub. i love the tub. its beautiful. look at its feet!

detail shot of the tub fixtures. so pretty. (using my iphone hipstamatic camera.)

shot of the huge balcony from a hallway window.. it opens up from the living room to the bedroom. we had breakfast out on the balcony early one morning.

last pic! really cool bright pink hallway. its a little bit scary, but i took tons of pictures. RED.. RUM.. (X


shanghai: Sichuan Citizen

20 Sep

for all you spicy food lovers.

we ate contemporary sichuan cuisine during our visit to shanghai last week.

you can hardly tell what each dish is, because its covered in hot peppers!!! i suffered quite a bit.

this was deep fried spicy chicken.

this dish is called “water boiled fish.” with tons of spicy oils, red peppers, and sichuan peppercorns- bite into one of these on accident and your mouth will be numbed for a good ten minutes.. which i did. they serve coconut milk, which helps cool + counter the effect of the “ma-la” numbness.

mini bread/bun bowls to fill..

so much heat in one sitting!!

Addy: 30(D) Donghu Lu, Shanghai.

shanghai: afternoon tea @ the pudong Ritz

19 Sep

high tea at the ritz is something i try to have in every major city i visit..

this week we visited the new ritz carlton in pudong, shanghai. on the 52nd floor, sitting above the newly opened IFC mall + apple store, the Aura lounge has great view of the bund. of course there was some smog, but today there was plenty of sunshine as well.

blue and gold decor, sitting room of couches and armchairs.

a birdcage sample of what is being served.

the view from our table.

darjeeling earl grey for me.

the sweets combined. a mix of the aura tea set, and the ritz tea set.

my favorite was the lemon tarte.

two servings of the house savories. the cucumber finger sandwiches + smoked salmon were the best.

the sweets set my friend ordered, comes with 3 pcs of your choice, and tea/coffee.

love high tea @ the ritz! it never fails.


Danny and Company, round II.

18 Sep

we dined a second time at Danny & Co with friends this past week.. here are the pics.

i ordered ala carte again.. as i’m not a fan of too much cooked seafood, the sets were not for me.

gillardeau oysters.

mushroom truffle cappuccino soup.

green salad with figs + balsamic viniagrette.

onion + leek hash brown. sO good.

wagyu sirloin cap. see the roasted garlic..?


chinese desserts.

18 Sep

this hidden chinese sweets cafe in tienmu is close to home + opens late.

our friends took us to this little place.. thats within julie-walking distance from our home. ( that means, really close.) its in a small alley right behind mitsukoshi. they serve do-hua (sweet soybean/tofu), some traditional items like grass jelly and tapioca pearls, and also brown sugar peanut ices. it’s clean, and has friendly service.

peanut do-hua. my favorite, with extra ice.

grass jelly.

brown sugar shave ice with peanut powder.

can’t believe we’ve been in tienmu for 9 months now and just found out about this place!


lunch @ dazzling cafe.

8 Sep

lunch at dazzling cafe pink.

when we have friends visiting from the states, one place they all want to check out is dazzling. so.. here we are again!

this was the first time i ordered something other than honey toast.   i’m happy to find that the food tastes good and is well plated. but don’t be mistaken. i’m not saying that we didn’t have toast..

truffle fries.  delicious + crisp. no ketchup needed.

egg and tuna salad panini.  it was actually tuna salad + a fried egg in the sandwich, and a scoop of egg salad on the plate.

spaghetti with meat sauce. good consistency, not watery. the meat sauce taste slightly reminds me of chili..

nOw. on to dessert.

this pretty concoction was aptly named ” party in your mouth” honey toast. LOL.

tropical fruit honey toast.

my new favorite, blueberry honey toast.

wow. sO much carbs for one meal. X)


teNya okonomiyaki.

7 Sep

okonomiyaki @ tenya.

fuxing sogo b1 location.

i like that they cook for you at your table. as expected, the restaurant is a little greasy.. poor ventilation? though you can’t really avoid grease fumes when cooking teppan at your table.

beef curry okonomiyaki cooking on the teppan.

my slice, after dressed with okonomi sauce, mayo, okaka, dried seaweed flakes and dried bonito. ready to EAT.

pork noodle okonomi. before the egg top is put on..

still cooking….

voíla. dressed and ready to eat.

nom nom…