dazzling mint.

23 Aug

second location of Dazzling Cafe: Dazzling Mint.

dazzling is still insanely popular and crowded. booked for months ahead, guests are willing to line up an hour before opening each day for a number, for the first come first serve seating.

we were lucky to get reservations for a sunday afternoon, so we didn’t have to brave the heat and wait in line.

fruit iced teas. i had the green tea with fresh kiwi.

banana chocolate honey toast. yum.

the shell is filled with larger cubed, toasted honey toast.

strawberry honey toast.

the presentation. why guests with a sweet tooth (mostly girls) will line up.

the toast for this version is cut into long cubes, baked with butter and sugar, then placed back into the bread cube. topped with ice cream, strawberry, syrup + cream.

i cant believe i eat half a loaf of bread at a time…  but its sO good.


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