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sHave ice @ green isLand.

11 Jul

i visited Green Island, off the coast of TaiDong last weekend. we ate a ton of fish + seafood. a little chicken and pork- no beef whatsoever.

my favorite was the shave ice that i insisted on having every day. it was about 95 degress out and hot as hell. too balmy. the sun was too hot to bear!

the island was a prison at one point, that housed political criminals. ( reminded me of alcatraz, but much prettier, with good snorkeling.)

this first shave ice joint was aptly “jail” themed.

seaweed was also big on the island.. so heres the first ice. see the seaweed?  it was covered with condensed milk, and was pretty light in flavor, so it was more textural than anything. yes, it was good.

i ordered a stawberry milk ice.. boring, i know. it was jammy.. strawberries were not in season anymore.. forgot.

another place we went to was called “seaweed ice”

sO..  i ordered  green bean and grass jelly. X)

it was yuM. it was my lunch actually..

and lastly.. a friend ordered this. this was the weirdest looking ice ive seen yet.. covered with seaweed, with some sort of  fish egg looking substance inside. it tasted fishy.. but i think it was agar? jelly? or some sort of tropical fruit. sO confusing.

i love shave ice.


11 Jul

mondo. this italian restaurant is near the office.  so i’ve only been for lunch.

that said, its on the expensive side, (for lunch) but the service is good, and the food is pretty decent. ( i once ordered soup and salad, and the bill came out to be 1000. yes, they charge for water and bread. )

i like that the barista + kitchen is in the center, open to the dining area. creates a lively atmosphere- not stuffy.

pumpkin soup with a seared scallop. this was good.

spaghetti. simple. but often done wrong. it was right here.

all in all, it was good. i have no complaints about the food.