damn… street food.

5 Apr

my favorite street food so far in taiwan.

taipei, near tai da college area.

gua bao. huge. fatty. delicious.. the bread is fluffy, the meat is juicy, and the peanut powder and cilantro ratio is a-oK. you can choose from “lean, mixed fat, and fat”

aaand.. heres a pic of the menu with the addy.. so you can find it yourself.

i’m still not directionally oriented here.

AND! right across from the gua bao stand/small store.. is the most amazing boba milk tea stand. i’ve been twice, both times with a line.. but it goes fast and is worth it. i just wish they had a “large” cup size option.

its different b/c it uses black sugar boba.. which is sweet + delicious.. i actually eat/drink them all.  the milk tea (ordered in chinese translates to “frog hit milk”) uses whole milk, which makes it extra good.

i haven’t craved boba like this, since high school…

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